Dr Melva Mitchell Fort Worth Types of alignment

There are several different approaches to alignment, so let’s start by defining what proper alignment looks like, examining some of the deviations later, and finally expanding the things you can do as an instructor.

Melva Mitchell Fort Worth The body alignment is by no means perfect in this picture, but much more relaxed than in the first. The pelvic orientation is noticeable in the picture above, with the right side of the pelvic floor slightly bent and the left side bent.

In neutral spine position, the right and left sides of the pelvic floor and lower back are aligned and in natural balance.

Dr Melva Mitchell Fort Worth Types of alignment

When the spine is aligned correctly, the body maintains a natural balance between the right and left sides of the pelvic floor and the lower back. If one hip is chronically higher than the other and the line angled to the side, this indicates that the spine is not aligned properly and exerts different forces on the body, making you more prone to injury.

Dr Melva Mitchell Fort Worth Another way this kind of imbalance occurs is when one side of our body is preferred, which is what is said when we constantly stretch our hips, when we stand and shift our weight to our left side of our body. Because hips are chronically high, our bodies tighten the muscles in the hips to provide stability, making splitting almost impossible.

If movements are performed in a poor alignment position, the wear on the joints is greater and the risk of injury is high.

Proper alignment of bones and joints to ensure that muscles are used properly helps to reduce the risk of abnormal wear and tear on the joint surfaces, which can lead to degenerative arthritis and joint pain.

Melva Mitchell Fort Worth The body alignment

Good alignment ensures that the forces and stresses that affect the body contribute to the correct alignment of muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments and other body parts. Your muscles adapt to the strain you put on different parts of the body, such as your joints and spine.

Melva Mitchell Fort Worth Proper alignment goes beyond maintaining a good posture and can also help prevent long-term pain. Proper body alignment helps prevent pain and injury, can boost your confidence and mood, help prevent overloading of your joints, muscles and spine, relieve pain and reduce the likelihood of injury.

It also helps prevent pain from injuries such as arthritis and degenerative arthritis, as well as osteoarthritis and spinal cord injury.

Published by Dr. Melva Mitchell Fort Worth

Melva Mitchell Fort Worth with a successful clinical background strives to grow professionally. A persistent team player, Melva is skilled in clerical and administrative skills, including phlebotomy skills, and Applied Kinesiology, and Chiropractic Biophysics. Her strong educational background coupled with a substantial work history adds to her diagnostic, clinical, and practice skills. Dr Melva Mitchell Fort Worth s enthusiastic about chiropractic practice, and particularly enjoys integrating the patient’s goals for recovery or lifestyle enhancement into their overall treatment plan. She has extensive knowledge and training in radiology, physiotherapy, case management, and patient recruitment.

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